Incubation center, NEHU, Tura campus was inaugurated on 14th February, 2020 with the vision of developing North-East region of India a business hub. Increased growth, improved standards of living, and the suitability needs of dual income families increases market potentials of processed foods in the country. Furthermore, by processing and value addition, the producer and trader can enhance their income levels and the food availability for domestic consumption as well as for export. In India, the annual consumption of 'value-added' foods alone is greater than Rs.2,25,000 crores per year which is larger than the entire manufacturing sector. Ironically India loses 25 to 40% of the fruits and vegetables, 10 to 25% of the grains and oil seeds in the post-harvest chain.

These losses translate to enormous monetary loss worth Rs. 60,000 crores per year approximately. The application of technology based preservation method and value addition to these wastages will help to enhance the income levels of farmers, traders and the country as a whole. Due to the lack of technical knowledge on processing, preservation and value addition of the agricultural produce no new ventures in food processing sector come in. Food processing and value addition are promising commercial business prospects at cottage levels and for village youth and women self help group member.